



The 2021 legislative session began on Monday under the Gold Dome with elected officials gathering for the first year of the new two-year session. The challenges of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic were evident during the first four days of the 40-day session, as newly elected members were sworn in one group at a time in an effort to maintain social distancing.

随着会议的进行,很多事情仍然未知. Precautions including weekly testing and capacity limits are in place in an effort to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. The scene at the State Capitol is one that resembles the two weeks of the 2020 Special Session last June, 由于新冠肺炎疫情,议员们在休息了3个月后又回来了. Discussion on which issues will take priority this session includes the constitutionally required state budget and possible election reform legislation.

Appropriations hearings will begin next week as the General Assembly seeks to amend the FY21 budget and determine the budget for FY22. 立法者将于1月26日星期二返回国会大厦进行第5个立法日. 乔治亚州农场局 staff will be at the Capitol each day to monitor the issues that impact our members and advocate for Georgia agriculture.



坎普州长周四发表了国情咨文, woven with the theme and parables of sowing seeds for the future as he recounted the past year’s events and detailed his agenda for 2021. 坎普对农业的崇敬贯穿了他的演讲, which began with a look back at the struggle farmers faced from Hurricane Michael in 2018 and the state’s continued efforts to recover. He relayed south Georgia’s resilience emerging from the hurricane to all Georgians as we combat the COVID-19 pandemic to “take the advice of our wise farmers to clear the fields and start planting.”

After highlighting the progress Georgia has made responding to this health emergency and administering 5.全州有700万例COVID-19检测, 坎普谈到了尽管面临2020年的挑战,但仍取得了经济上的成功. 乔治亚州连续第八年获得了令人垂涎的“商业第一州”称号, 维持我们的AAA债券评级, 失业率为5%,低于全国平均水平.7%. 在2020年下半年, 与前六个月相比,乔治亚州的新投资增长了47%, 相当于60亿美元的新投资和16,000个新工作岗位,其中一半以上在都市区以外.

Georgia’s robust economic health paves the way for several of the Governor’s policy goals identified. “While the media and politicians in California and New York and others spent their 2020 throwing stones at glass houses, 在乔治亚州,我很自豪地说,我不像他们, 这个桃色之州今年不会面临预算削减.他接着说,根据他的预算提案, 与拨款委员会主席、众议员. 特里·英格兰和森. 布莱克·蒂勒里,我们不会有休假,不会削减国家机构,也不会有新的税收来做到这一点.


  • 4000万美元用于设立农村创新基金,支持农村企业和企业家;
  • $20 million now and $10 million per year moving forward for rural broadband grants to improve internet access;
  • Expansion of 2020’s tax credit for manufacturers of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to include pharmaceutical and medical equipment;
  • 500万美元用于保证初高中学生顺利毕业;
  • 教师一次性津贴1,000美元;
  • 7600万美元用于实施乔治亚途径和可负担医疗.



本周,Lt. Governor Duncan and Leadership announced the new committee and chairmanship assignments for the Senate. 我们很高兴邀请到佩里,乔治亚州的本地人和农业局的朋友,参议员. 拉里·沃克,领导乔治亚州第一产业的主席 参议院农业 & 消费者事务委员会. His dedication and experience serving rural Georgia’s families will be an immense asset in his new role.

农业局很幸运有其他强有力的盟友在委员会任职, 包括一些新成员. 该委员会由参议员拉里·沃克(R-Perry)组成。, 李·安德森(R-Grovetown), 拉斯·古德曼(R-Homerville), 迪恩·伯克(R-Bainbridge), 马克斯·伯恩斯(R-Sylvania), 泰勒·哈珀(R-Ocilla), 博·哈切特(R-Cornelia), 金·杰克逊(D-Stone Mountain), 谢赫·拉赫曼(D-Lawrenceville), 弗雷迪·鲍威尔·西姆斯(D-Dawson), 《十大老品牌网赌网址大全》(R-Cordele).



We would like to congratulate and thank all those who were elected in the record turnout 2020 cycle to serve our state. We are especially grateful to those civil servants who have retired or moved on and would like to welcome the new legislators that have joined the ranks of the Georgia General Assembly. 

The election brings a total of 11 new members of the Senate, maintaining Republican control at 34-22. 在众议院, 26名新成员当选, 共和党也以104票对76票保持了控制权. 以下是新当选的议员名单.


The COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately caused GFB to cancel the annual convention held every year on Jekyll Island w在这里 members from across the state come together to debate and vote on a comprehensive slate of policies for the coming year. 尽管存在这些挑战, it is important in the coming months that members actively work with their legislators advocating our positions. 根据现有政策,GFB董事会通过了以下2021年的优先事项:


自然资源 & 环境 

  1. Preserve and protect the right of privately-owned land to be used for agriculture from urban encroachment, 不合理的监管, 以及无聊的法律诉讼, 尤其是在历史上指定的农业区.
  2. Work to ensure water policy and regulations do not adversely affect agricultural water supply so Georgia farmers remain competitive with producers from neighboring states.
  3. Ensure adequate resources are readily available for producers severely impacted by natural disasters.



  1. 加强安全, reliable consumer access to agricultural products through new market opportunities and supply chains.
  2. 协助那些受到琐碎法律挑战的不公平对待的牲畜生产者.
  3. 限制对农场一级动物农业的管制.
  4. 向消费者提供动物农业教育, 同时保护生产者免受虚假信息和误导的敏感.


税 & 预算

  1. 倡导为农业机构提供资金, 青少年发展计划, 以及满足行业需求的必要人员.
  2. Protect the integrity of the Conservation Use Value Assessment (CUVA) and Forest Land Protection Act (FLPA) programs from changes that would jeopardize the future of the program or undermine their original intent.
  3. Provide parity and consistency for ad valorem tax exemptions on agricultural property in a way that reflects the modern tax structures of farms but maintains the provision's original intent.
  4. 通过积极维护GATE计划,保留农业投入的销售税豁免.
  5. 为农业企业导航复杂的税收法规和计划提供教育资源.



  1. 提倡 for balanced and equal representation of rural communities through the redistricting process.
  2. 更新佣金规则,以便更有效地使用生产者资金.
  3. 促进安全, 明确选举程序,提高选民的诚信, while ensuring only legally registered citizens are allowed to vote and close scrutiny of absentee ballots.
  4. 确保新技术的可用性,同时促进负责任地使用新技术.


约翰·霍尔科姆主持, 杰伊•斯通, 还有凯蒂·杜瓦尔, “成长”是乔治亚州农场局制作的一个新播客, covering agriculture related issues and topics to help promote and advocate for Georgia agriculture as well as educate consumers about the production of food and modern farming practices. 

每两周发作一次, 公共政策部门的工作人员将从国会大厦发回报道, 以通俗易懂的文字,为您深入了解本届两会, 音频格式. 你可以订阅这个播客,点击苹果播客下载 在这里 或在Spotify上点击 在这里. 请务必每隔一个周二收看新一期节目!


乔治亚州农场局是这次年度研讨会的赞助商, 哪一届将在2021年以虚拟方式举行,并且可以免费参加. 它将于1月29日星期五上午9:30开始举行.m. Ag Forecast shares the latest research and information from UGA faculty to help farmers and agribusinesses in Georgia's No. 1行业. 主题主题是农业旅游和COVID-19对格鲁吉亚农民的影响. Breakout sessions will cover: livestock and poultry; cotton, peanuts grains and oilseeds; green industry and vegetables; fruits and tree nuts; and forestry and land taxation. 点击 在这里 注册.


